Nannda's Glossary of Terms
Spellbook NFT
Spellbook NFT is either sold in the initial sale or minted from 2 Prophet NFTs and certain amount of $NDT.
Prophets NFT
Prophet NFT is summoned (revealed) from Spellbook NFT and plays an important role in Nannda. The NFT can be deposited in Nannda to earn $NDT.
Summon refers to revealing Prophets NFT from the Spellbook NFT.
Re-summon refers to reverting the prophet NFT back to the spellbook NFT.
Clone NFT
Clone NFT is Non-transferable NFT which is earned when depositing Prophet NFT into Nannda, and also required for withdrawal. The NFT can be used as a PFP since that has the same design as the deposited NFT.
A proprietary ERC20 token issued by Nannda.
Century is the concept of timeframes in Nannda, where the Centuries range from Century 1 to 100, advancing after every distribution of 560,000 $NDT tokens to the Community.
Circuit Breaker System
Circuit Breaker System is the action taken when $NDT is soaring in the market and deemed to be detrimental to the long-term interests of Nannda and its NFT holders.
Minting Cost
Minting Cost is the number of tokens which are required when minting; the Minting Cost is calculated by multiplying the Class Cost Multiplier of the two parent prophet NFTs by the Mint score Multiplier.
=500 × CCM1 × CCM2 × MSM1 × MSM2
where are class cost multiplier and are Mint Score multiplier for NFT1, NFT2, respectively.
Class Cost Multiplier
Class Factor
Class Factor is the coefficient which is determined for each Class. It is used in the calculation of each value as per below table.
Earning Power
Earning Power is the indicator that determines the amount of NFT tokens earned.
Earning Power = 500 × Class Earning Multiplier × Level Multiplier
Total Class Earning Multiplier
The total Earning power of the issued Prophet NFTs for each class.
Class Earning Multiplier
Class Earning Multiplier is the coefficient assigned to each Class. The numbers are as follows.
Initial Class Earning Power
The initial total of 3400 NFT was calculated based on the above formula.
Prophet NTF has Level which starts from Level 1 up to Level 10. Level is raised by consuming $NDT; the higher the Level, the greater the amount of tokens that can be earned when deposited.
Level Multiplier
Level Multiplier is the coefficient assigned to each level of the prophet NFT. The table of the coefficient is as follows.
Mint Score
Mint Score is a number that exists from 0 to 6. It goes up every time when a mint is implemented.
Mint Score Multiplier
A number determined according to Mint Score. This coefficient is used in the actual calculation.
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